Apr 9, 2014

UPDATES: New Zealand Red + Rabbitry Tour

Hello everybunny,

Marko speaking to you today with some fresh updates. The creature you can see on the picture above is my new rabbit, New Zealand Red buck, born January the 27th  2014. I got him from a non-registeres breeder, but am positive he is 100% purebreed, the thing is that in Croatia you have to have a building (stable) in which you breed (you can't register rabbitry if you breed in sheds, as it is in this case), you have to have certain number of rabbits (for example 10-20, no more, no less) and be part of oranisation/attend shows. The breeder only had New Zealand Reds (solids, not even one broken), and showed me his family. The buck is still nameless though, so please drop any name suggestions. I got him as an early 18th birthday present (my B-day is April 12th). The reason I got him is ovbiously breeding. I put a lot of thinking in whether to breed or not too. And I decided to breed. For two main reasons: 1. I get to raise baby bunnies and study rabbit genetics (the widebands in this case) and 2. I will save money from selling the babies to pay for neutering Fawn and Nameless Buck in the future. I know I could save without breeding, but it seems like getting more money in shorter period of time with breeding, so... Yes, that's pretty much it for today; enjoy the following pictures of my new bunny and the rest of this, in my town cloudy, week. :)


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