Jul 31, 2014

(Not So) Weekly Vlog

Hello Everybunny.

A quickie. Basically, I'm gone fro 4 days for a unexpected vacation and this weekly vlog is only 3 days. Next week I'm filming all 7, so see ya next Sunday with proper Weekly Vlog. Bye till then and have a nice week.


Jul 29, 2014

Bussy, Late, SORRY!

Hello Everybunny,

It's me again, Fawn. Finally. And the weather today is absolutely marvelous; cloudy but so bright and so shiny it would be a sin not to take some photos. So, we took photos. I know it's been five days since last post, but sorry about that, it's been quite bussy for us past few days. Also, sorry for not posting the Weekly Vlog, but here it is today, two days late. Enjoy the rest of the photos and have nice rest of the day. 

Love you all and stay positive,

P.S. Here's the late Weekly Vlog #2

Jul 24, 2014

Kara's Fieldtrip

Hello everybunny.

How are you? I'm great, and the reason is quite simple; I had my very first fieldtrip outside today. It was great. So much grass to munch on.... In one word - HEAVEN. Here's a few pictures of me having fun. Enjoy and stay positive. 

Jul 19, 2014


Hello everybunny.

I had never done a post of this type before. I don't know if that's the general thing, or just my case, but when I get into some new hobby or pet type, I get extra euphoric and my motto is "I have to know everything about it". And the obvious thing is online research. So, I bring you my top five web pages I use when it comes to rabbits. So, here we go:

#1 RabbitTalk 

Pretty much self expaining; a forum where you talk about rabbits. I love this one the most because it's so alive, your questions get answered in almost no time, there is always a bunch of people around and, besides the pet section, it also has meat rabbits show section, something many other rabbit oriented pages lack. If you have any questions or look for a place to share your love towards rabbits with people, give it a try.

#2 Genetics Color Calculator - Kim's Rabbit Hutch

I like genetics, it's probably my favourite part of biology in general. This is basically a programe that allows you to see which colours produce which. Great helpful tool if you are planning to breed or find out what genes your rabbit carries.

#3 Rabbit Genotype List - Jills Wild Dutch Bunch http://jillswilddutchbunch.freehosting.net/articles/Genotypes.html#himi

Very simple; a neat list of most rabbit colour genotypes. Easy to use, the only downside would be a bit too catchy layout for my taste. Then again, the section in the end shows specific genotypes that occure in specific breeds; very helpful.

#4 Quizlet - Rabbit Color Genetics

A very creative way to test your knowledge in rabbit genetics. The colour are expained well and paired with all the different names they can stand for. Cool way to spend your pastime and learn something new along.

#5 101rabbits

To be completely honest, I got to fifth place, and was like "OK, I have nothing". After a day of thinking, I came up with nothing. And, a little bit depressed, I opened YouTube and voila; recommended: 101rabbits. Probably my favourite rabbit oriented YouTube channel/blog ever. The right amount of care videos, informative videos and random bunny fun videos. My favourite thing about it; a proof that not only dwarves can be pets.

So, here it goes, my top five web pages when it comes to rabbits. Hope you know some of them, and if not, give them a try, I am sure you will enjoy. Thanks for reading and have nice rest of the day.


Jul 17, 2014

Tough Times

Hello everybunny.

It's been quite a hard few days behind us. We lost three of our rabbits to coccidia infection; which one of is Elsa. Sadly, seems like Anna is sick too. We are treating them, but seems like it's not being quite successful. Besides the ugly things, some pretty new are ahead. Marko's currently doing research to find me a friend. Here are some pictures from yesterday, enjoy:

Love you all, 

Jul 12, 2014

UPDATE: Chubby Kara, Virus and "On Sale"

Hello everybunny,

Instead of Fawn or Rubin, today it's all about me. Or not. Last week was really rainy and the weather was bad in general, and stzarting from today, according to the forecast, the summer is back. So, we were not able to post. A lot happpened, Marko finally finished the colony. Only thing that have to be added are bigger water bottles, and then we are off to search for a doe to make Fawn some company. And then, bad news; the virus that killed off half of our herd, including two of Fawn's sisters, is back. Two of Elsa's and Anna's cagemates are sick, so to be direct, we can expect those two to pass, but we are fighting as hard as we can.
The last few pictures are of Fawn's only living litter mate, a buck I am trying to trade for a new doe. Enjoy

Stay good and happy, 

Jul 8, 2014

Rainy Days

Hello everybunny.

    I am finally back with my own post. It's been quite rainy last few days and today the sun finally shined so it meant only one thing - PHOTOSESSION!!! It's been a long time since I felt this good. Some chilling in Marko's lap on deck chair, spent some time hopping around and then, ah, fresh grass. Here's a little galery of what I did today. Enjoy. 

Love you all, 